Instructions: Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.
1. At what age do you wish to marry?
Before thirty.
2. What is your most favourite thing to do?
Doing arts and craft, sleeping and eating while I study (only if I need to study)
3. What will you do if you are the last human survived?
Obviously I have to find a way to survive and search for other people just in case the statement of me being the last human is false.
4. What would you give up in return to eat all you want in the world and not get fat?
Why bother? Exercise laa.. Only people who are lazy and wanna stay thin are willing to do something silly like that.
5. If you can have one dream to come true, what will it be?
I wish, I wish, ermm... The world would be fill with unconditional love.
6. Do you believe you can survive without money?
It's a little difficult .
7. What do you feel like doing rite now?
Taking my breakfast. It's 11.23 a.m so yeah.
8. What are you afraid to lose most?
The world?
9. If there is someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
Currently I don't love anyone in that way. So yeah,
10. Do you believe in fate?
Yes but I believe we can change it.
11. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
Must be loyal, understanding, loving, wise, street wise and more.
12. What are the things that will make you think he/she is bad?
It depends. When you love someone truly, it doesn't matter much.
13. What is your ambition?
Something to do with art and designing
14. Is anyone really perfect?
15. If you have a choice to be rich or happy, which one will you pick?
Obviously happy. Why bother being rich and not feeling happy? Life is so much more.
16. If you have a chance, which part of your character would you like to change?
From being irritable to more patience.
17. Who is the person that you can share all your problems with?
My mommy, Amanda, Wei Yuen, Shannen and more.
18. How do you see yourself in ten years time?
Suceeding in my career?
19. If the world is going to end one day, what would you do for the last 24 hours?
Do everything that I always wanted to do and tell all my loved ones that I love them.
20. Do you think fame is important?
Well it depends what kind. If its just people knowing you then yes. Publicity no.
I tag NO ONE.
Li Ching
11:18 AM
Handling stress
Stress is something that occurs to almost everyone in their daily life. It is not something for us to run away from but to learn from it. I have to admit that I always wanted to run away from my responsibilities but i came to realize that i am not taking responsibility of my own life. However, asking people for help isn't irresponsible.
Different people have different ways of releasing stress. Some may play sports and some may spend hours doing arts and craft. So whenever you feel stress, take a deep breathe and drink some water, tell yourself you could do it and get back to what you have to do.
To all those who said I can't handle my stress , I thank you guys so much. Honestly I thank you for being so concern. I love you guys. However, its a learning process for me. Things like this will eventually come to me and I eventually have to learn my lesson or its going to be repeated again and again until I actually face it.
This is a training ground for me and I am thankful for having all of you to back me up. Love you guys once again.
Here's a cute quote I found:
Instead of saying TGIF, say TGIT - Thank God it's today!
Li Ching
11:42 PM
Everything has to come to an end
Yesterday was my mom's last day of babysitting. After two years of this job, I think it's about time that she took some rest. Babysitting isn't as easy as you think it is if you're babysitting two babies and both wants attention. Just before they left, I borrowed Amanda's camera and took pictures with them as memories. I almost cried when they both left. But then again, everything has to come to an end.
She is only 9 months old if i ain't wrong. Isn't she so cute that you wish you could squeeze her?
And goodness, I couldn't forget this cute lil boy,Justin. It has been 2 years since he first came. Gonna miss him a lot.. It was sooo hard to take a proper picture with him. I took 10 photos and this is the only one that you can see his face clearly.
This is the 2nd and last photo I took with her .
And finally the happy looking proper picture with him.
Li Ching
8:30 PM